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The Book of Esther

The Book of Esther
Mezuzah Enamel Doves 10 cm 2

Price: $49.90
Our Price: $39.95 ($39.95 incl. TAX)
You Save: $9.95 (20%)

The Book of Esther records one of the first attempts to destroy the people of Israel in the third year of Ahasuerus, a king of Persia in 486-465 BCE.  Traditionally read during the Purim Festival, the Book of Esther tells how Esther (Hadassah in Hebrew) thwarted Haman, the King's Prime Minister, in his plan to kill all the Jews.  The Book of Esther is also the first time we find the word "Jew" in ancient writings and it is thought that this is used to distinguish Jews living in the Diaspora from those living in Israel (Israelites).  For Jews everywhere this tale inspires us and strengthens our faith and determination to overcome our foes and remain true to our beliefs.


Availability: Usually ships in 3 business days
Shipping: Can ship anywhere
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