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The Shofar

 The Shofar

Price: $49.90
Our Price: $39.95 ($39.95 incl. TAX)
You Save: $9.95 (20%)

The Shofar, throughout the ages, has been used to proclaim the strength of our faith in the one true God. From Jericho and on to the present day, the Shofar's strange yet compelling sounds are used to bring Jews together, to celebrate, as a community, as a people, events of importance. This is especially true during the period of the High Holy Days when we believe that the call of the Shofar will open up the gates of Heaven so that our prayers will be heard. 

The Shofar (ram’s horn) is often used as an instrument of spiritual warfare.  The Torah states, “When you go to war in your land against an adversary who is oppressing you, you are to sound the alarm with trumpets; then you will be remembered before the Lord your God and you will be saved from your enemies!”  Blowing of the Shofar declares that the Lord God is King of the universe, as it says in Psalm 98:6

This compelling picture of a Jew, covered in his prayer shawl (tallit) and blowing the Shofar, will help you reaffirm your faith in the God of our Forefathers – Abraham and Isaac and Jacob.


Availability: Usually ships in 3 business days
Shipping: Can ship anywhere
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